Pentecost & Our Altar Feast
Pentecost & Our Altar Feast

June 10/23, 2024 marked the Great Feast of the Holy Trinity, Pentecost. Please enjoy the photo gallery below from:

- Divine Liturgy in Raleigh on Pentecost Soul Saturday
- All-Night Vigil, Divine Liturgy, and Great Vespers of the Feast
- Matins & Divine Liturgy on Holy Spirit Day, the second day of Pentecost

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Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
6803 US 70
Mebane, NC 27302

Upcoming Calendar

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
6803 US 70
Mebane, NC 27302

Weekly Schedule:

6 pm: All-Night Vigil and Confessions

8:30 am: Confessions
9:30 am: Hours & Divine Liturgy
Join us for Coffee Hour after liturgy!

Detailed Calendar