The Nativity of Christ in Mebane - 01/11/25

Some photographs of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ at our Holy Trinity Church (Dec. 24-25, 2024 / Jan. 6-7, 2025)

Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan +NICHOLAS - 01/06/25

The Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan +NICHOLAS of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad has been published.

Divine Liturgy of St James - 11/05/24

On October 23/November 5, 2024, the Divine Liturgy of the Holy Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord, was served at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church. The Divine Liturgy of St James is the ancient liturgy of the Church of Jersusalem and has been in some, albeit irregular, use in the Orthodox Church for centuries.

Pentecost & Our Altar Feast - 06/23/24

June 10/23, 2024 marked the Great Feast of the Holy Trinity, Pentecost. Please enjoy the photo gallery below from:

- Divine Liturgy in Raleigh on Pentecost Soul Saturday
- All-Night Vigil, Divine Liturgy, and Great Vespers of the Feast
- Matins & Divine Liturgy on Holy Spirit Day, the second day of Pentecost

First Missionary Liturgy in Raleigh - 05/25/24

With the blessing of His Eminence Nicholas, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, the parishioners of Holy Trinity Church in Mebane, NC have embarked on a new missionary effort to spread the Gospel of Christ in North Carolina’s Research Triangle.

On the third Saturday of Pascha, May 12/25, 2024, regular parishioners and new faces gathered in the hall of a local Christian community in the North Hills area of Raleigh to celebrate Divine Liturgy, served by parish rector Priest Peter Markevich. Despite the holiday weekend, about 30 people were present for this first service.

During Liturgy, special petitions and a prayer were read from the Moleben for God’s Blessing upon the Beginning of Any Good Work. Following the service, the community enjoyed coffee hour thanks to the labors of the parish sisterhood.

God willing, these missionary services will continue on a monthly basis in the church hall at:

Apostles Raleigh
333 Church at N Hills St
Raleigh, NC 27609

The next service will be held on Trinity Soul Saturday, June 9/22nd.

Donations in support of this missionary effort are gratefully accepted at:

Holy Trinity Church
6803 US-70
Mebane, NC 27302
Memo: Raleigh mission

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! - 05/05/24

On April 22 / May 5, 2024, together with the whole of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Holy Trinity Church celebrated the Bright Feast of Feasts, Holy Pascha. 


Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
6803 US 70
Mebane, NC 27302

Upcoming Calendar

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
6803 US 70
Mebane, NC 27302

Weekly Schedule:

6 pm: All-Night Vigil and Confessions

8:30 am: Confessions
9:30 am: Hours & Divine Liturgy
Join us for Coffee Hour after liturgy!

Detailed Calendar