Welcome to
Holy Trinity
Orthodox Church

A parish of the
Russian Church Abroad
in NC's Research Triangle

Parish Calendar
Weekly Schedule

Unless otherwise specified, services are held at:

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
6803 US-70
Mebane, NC 27302 map

6 pm: All-Night Vigil and Confessions

8:30 am: Confessions
9:30 am: Hours & Divine Liturgy
Coffee Hour follows liturgy

Schedule for February

The schedule of services and events for February is now finalized and published.


Mailing List

Recent News
  • The Nativity of Christ in Mebane
    Some photographs of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ at our Holy Trinity Church (Dec. 24-25, 2024 / Jan. 6-7, 2025)
  • Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan +NICHOLAS
    The Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan +NICHOLAS of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad has been published.
  • Divine Liturgy of St James
    On October 23/November 5, 2024, the Divine Liturgy of the Holy Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord, was served at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church. The Divine Liturgy of St James is the ancient liturgy
  • Pentecost & Our Altar Feast
    June 10/23, 2024 marked the Great Feast of the Holy Trinity, Pentecost. Please enjoy the photo gallery below from: - Divine Liturgy in Raleigh on Pentecost Soul Saturday- All-Night Vigil, Divine Litu
  • First Missionary Liturgy in Raleigh
    With the blessing of His Eminence Nicholas, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, the parishioners of Holy Trinity Church in Mebane, NC have embarked on a new missionary effort to spread the

Support Your parish

Brothers and sisters, the existence and flourishing of our parish depends entirely on the continued support of all who desire the furtherance of God's work in our region! Please consider making a regular contribution to our parish's finances and contributing your talents to one of our many ongoing projects.

You can support the parish financially on your next visit to our church, through the forms and buttons to the right, or by mail to:

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
6803 US-70
Mebane, NC 27302


Parish History






Social Media


Daily Devotion



What is the Orthodox Church?

“The Orthodox Christian Church is evangelical, but not Protestant.
It is orthodox, but not Jewish. It is catholic, but not Roman.
It is not denominational, it is pre-denominational.
It has believed, taught, preserved, defended, and died for the
Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost nearly 2,000 years ago.”
– Our Life in Christ

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
6803 US 70
Mebane, NC 27302

Weekly Schedule:

6 pm: All-Night Vigil and Confessions

8:30 am: Confessions
9:30 am: Hours & Divine Liturgy
Join us for Coffee Hour after liturgy!

Detailed Calendar